Melbourne-based ERP software specialist Evolution Business Systems (EBS) this month celebrated its 10th anniversary, after recording its best business year on record.
With 10 employees and both national and international customers, EBS is now reaping the rewards of a major initiative in 2008 when it began partnering with Microsoft in addition to its historically strong relationship with Arrow Software. EBS has repeatedly won the Arrow Business Partner of the Year award.
Possessing deep expertise in leading financial applications including Arrow Financials and Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV, EBS specialises in business management solutions that automate core business processes and integrate specialist applications to deliver the right financial management control.
Long-term EBS customers include plaster products specialist Picton Hopkins & Sons and Australian light products company Mirabella International. During recent years, EBS has won a number of major new clients with Microsoft Dynamics NAV including Centacare Ballarat and Circadian Technologies.
EBS’s 10th birthday celebration coincides with the announcement it achieved for the second year in a row the award “Highly Recommended’ in the Excellence For Customer Service section in the 2011 Australian Achiever Awards for Victoria's Computer Systems & Software Services category. It also coincides with fifth anniversary of Jonathan Martin becoming a director of EBS.
EBS founder and managing director Paul Woods said the company’s strong growth rate had come from its broadened product range. “The big difference is the Microsoft story,” he said. “In the past year, we've doubled our Microsoft client base and that is going really well. We've also strengthened our team by bringing in another Microsoft specialist from France. At the same time, we continue to work with our long-standing Arrow Financials customers.
The great thing is that we can now offer a complete suite of financial management software, from Arrow Financials for smaller businesses to Microsoft Dynamics NAV for enterprises with more complex requirements.”
But for an accounting software company, EBS celebrated its 10th anniversary in an unconventional manner with a surprise birthday party for its staff. Late one night, Paul Woods and his son went into work to decorate the office with balloons, bunting and ribbons.
At 9am the next day, EBS employees were greeted with glasses of champagne and a birthday breakfast followed by a range of surprise, team-building activities ending in a well-deserved lunch. Paul said the day of entertainment was intended to thank his employees for often going beyond the call of duty to look after customers. “Our staff go all out for our customers, so we wanted to do the same thing for them,” he said. This press release can be found online at
About Evolution Business Systems
Evolution Business Systems (EBS) specialises in business management solutions that give you the freedom to focus on your business. EBS does this by automating your core business processes and integrating your specialist business applications to deliver the right financial management solution. With deep expertise in leading financial applications including Arrow Financials and Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV, EBS works beside clients to ensure their software solves problems rather than creates more.
EBS has a detailed implementation strategy based around Microsoft Sure Step methodology that is tailored to customers in terms of timelines, requirements, risks and responsibilities as well as project variations and external requirements. While it does not sell or support hardware or site network environments, EBS informally partners with selected specialists in these areas to provide clients with a “total solution”.
For more information about Evolution Business Systems, visit
For media assistance, call John Harris at Impress Media Australia on 08 8431 4000 or email
Contact: Evolution Business Systems Pty Ltd
PO Box 1115, Camberwell, VIC 3124
p 1300 303 973 f 1300 858 973
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