School leavers show Trades skills by renovating two derelict northern area Trust Homes

Students from several Northern Adelaide Secondary High Schools have fully restored and rebuilt two derelict northern suburbs Housing Trust homes at Davoren Park.

In December the students and their teachers handed back the renovated homes to the Minister for Housing, Hon Jennifer Rankin MP.

Students worked during the 2010 school year on the houses to renovate and return them to the Public Housing inventory as part of the ‘Doorways 2 Construction’ Program in SA Schools.

D2C provides ‘hands-on’ trades experience of the construction industry for students in Years 11 & 12. The program operates in 25 ‘clusters’ of schools across the State.

The renovations were carried out to full commercial specification using a range of building and construction skills.  Students gain first hand experience of the industry and develop skills that make them immediately productive if they choose to work in the industry.

The program is delivered by specially trained technical studies teachers. Students carry out work under the supervision of a licensed builder.

D2C is a joint initiative of the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), Housing SA and the Department of Education and Children’s Services.  The Salisbury program is directly supported by the Master Builders Association as the Registered Training Organisation which ‘signs off’ students on the skills they acquire.

D2C began in 2000 and is one of the largest, most enduring and successful programs of its kind in Australia. There are 700 students in the program each year.

Around 70% of the 2009 cohort found jobs and apprenticeships and the CITB hopes for similar results with this year’s group.

“Instead of making CD racks and coffee tables, these kids are refurbishing whole buildings and working with professional tradespeople,” said CITB’s Training Manager, Len Warren.

Interview & Information:

CITB’s CEO Steve Larkins, 8172 9500, or 0408 919 600;

Salisbury High School D2C Teacher, Richard Megaw, 0401 121 745

Media Assistance, Mike O’Reilly, 0414 882 505

The ‘Doorways 2 Construction’ Program in SA Schools provides ‘hands-on’ Trades experience of the construction industry for students in Years 11 & 12


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