Tony Tassell of the Financial TimesSenior writer for the Financial Times, Tony Tassell, who started his media life as a copy boy at The News, is back from London this week to catch up with friends at a Wednesday lunch in Adelaide.

During more than two decades of 'expatriatism', Tony has worked for the business press in India, the Philippines and London, the financial hub of Europe during the world's greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Tony's back in town for a couple of weeks during April to visit his family, so former colleagues from The News have planned a rousing News reunion lunch on Wednesday, April 9, to hear his stories and tell him a few about what's happened while he was away. The lunch will be start at miiday, in the Robin Hood Hotel, at 315. Portrush Road, Norwood.

Impress Media founder John Harris, who began working at The News in 1985, recalls Tony as "one of the first and friendliest people I met upon arriving at The News".

The quietly spoken copy boy went on to become The News' youngest ever Finance Editor, before setting off on a globe-trotting career that has ultimately landed him in London. Check out Tony's work on the FT website at For details about Tony's visit, email John Harris at




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