Many businesses waste thousands of dollars to create websites that don't work. While the site might look lovely for the first few months, they fall short of the mark over the long haul as a business development tool and a customer communication channel . Impress Media Australia solves this problem through its Website Overhaul program.
Impress Media Australia managing director John Harris says many websites failed to work because businesses treated them as technology rather than as communication tools. "Your website needs to be relevant, current and visible," he says.
"Too often, businesses take the 'set and forget' approach, which makes them look irrelevant and out-of-date, that's if people can find their site in the first place."
Overhaul Your Website to Grab Google
Impress Media is regularly commissioned by clients to revise content on their website to make it easy to understand and, more importantly, easy to find with search engines like Google. This revision process makes it simple for people to find the site using sector-relevant search terms, easy for new visitors to understand how your company can assist them and straightforward for existing clients to figure out what else you can do it. Website Overhaul engagements include:
- A business intelligence company whose website went from low Google rankings to the Google Top 10 within two weeks of Impress Media overhauling it.
- A hotel chain that made its existing websites much easier to find with Google by a strategic reworking of the website text and a consisent program of content changes
- An enterprise software company whose website was revitalised gradually over six months by Impress Media. Its Google ranking went from outside the Top 100 to within the Top 10.
How a Facelift Can Keep Your Website Looking Good
Impress Media's website overhaul is a straightforward process. Utilising the current website framework, Impress Media revises and focuses the message structure that underpins the website so it reflects what potential customers are searching for on the Internet. This approach keeps the cost down while ensuring maximum client capture.
An associated benefit is that you also receive a concise description of your delivered business value, which assists with when you prepare other marketing documents in future
What Do You Do Next
For more information or to discuss your specific requirements, call John Harris at Impress Media Australia on +61 8 8431 4000 or email John Harris at
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